I wish I could take credit for the .gif file, but it came from another
web site.  Please reload the page if Hoy doesn't dance for you
after downloading his dancin' tunes...



M-Tek Technologies, in association with UberNeuman Productions is proud to present the next wave in "Computer Animation" with the upgrade to M-Tek's "Dancin' Baby."

We are happy to present --- "Dancin' Hoy."


 Please hit me for my dancin' music!

"Dancin' Hoy" is powered by a single AA battery embedded in his braincase and can continue dancing for a period of not less than one-hundred fifty years, ensuring happiness and entertainment for generations.

Watch this little bastard cut the rug, and get all of the boys' phone numbers!


(He has a nasty habit of wetting himself when anyone attempts to bring him to his senses, and this can cause a short in his braincase, where upon a rash of idiotic postings will begin until a swift kick in his tiny "hoy-nads" corrects the problem.)

Enjoy our free sample of "Dancin Hoy -- The Dancin' Bastard," and tell your friends and family!

To fully enjoy "Dancin' Hoy" you will need the perfect music which suits him to a tee.... Go, "Dancin' Hoy," go "Dancin' Hoy," it's your birthday "Dancin' Hoy!!!!!"


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